Neurological Integration Systems

What is NIS?

The Neurological Integration System (NIS) is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on the connection between the brain, nervous system, and the body's overall function. It is based on the understanding that the brain controls and coordinates all bodily functions, and any disruptions or imbalances in the nervous system can lead to various health issues. NIS aims to identify and address these disruptions through gentle and non-invasive techniques, such as muscle testing and specific corrections, to restore optimal communication and integration within the body. By promoting neurological balance, NIS seeks to support overall health and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Developed by Neurolink the Neurological Integration System (NIS) bases its treatment methods on the neurophysiology principle that the brain governs optimum function of all body’s systems. This in essence makes the brain, not the practitioner, the most knowledgeable and qualified to diagnose and correct your complaint.

    NIS is a modality of care that allows practitioners to investigate the status of body function from the neurological point of view. This is a very unique approach. Healthcare with NIS has everything to do with the brain and nothing to do with the mind. It is important to make that differentiation. All the principles behind the system of treatment provided by an NIS practitioner are based on neuroscience. The brain controls optimum function, through its neurological circuitry. It is constantly receiving information from every facet of the body, and in turn sends back ‘fine tuning’ messages, many times per second. This means every cell, gland, organ, muscle, tendon etc in the body is constantly monitored via these circuits to the brain.

    However, from time to time, circuits break down – very similar to a fuse blowing in your car or home. Power is now lost to that circuit, reducing function.

  • Neurolink practitioners use a method of neurological integration. This involves a prioritized set of treatment protocols that evaluate all the neurological circuitry and the facets of body function they represent.

    The practitioner is a facilitator in the feeding of data to and from the brain. To find out which areas of body function the brain is not fully controlling, a muscle test* is used.

    A muscle test is a proven and established method of determining whether the brain is in full dialogue with all body function. The muscle-test acts as a feedback indicator to determine any circuit that has broken down. This involves the doctor assessing muscle resistance often on the patient's leg or arm. This is not forceful or tiring in any way, and no machinery is used.

    *Muscle testing has been scientifically validated as an indicator of altered physiological function.

    D.A Monti, ET AL, 1999.

    Once an area of dysfunction has been identified, the brain needs to ‘acknowledge’ the dysfunction and reset the circuitry. To do this, gentle contact with certain anatomical and cortical locations are made together with a very defined area of neuroanatomy called the post central gyrus.

  • It is very important to know what this area of the brain can do. The post central gyrus is known as the message ‘receive and dispatch’ centre of the brain.

    When this area of the cranium is touched, merkels tactile disks associated with slow adapting receptors are stimulated. These mediate sensations which project centrally via the dorsal column medial lemniscus pathway(DCML). This is a neuropathway directly associated with the post central gyrus.

    What this means is, that if you close your eyes and have someone touch just one hair on your head, you would be able to tell them exactly where they touched. (Try this with someone at home). That is the post central gyrus that allows you to relate to the sensation and its location. The same principle applies with an NIS treatment. It is the post central gyrus that is able to ‘acknowledge’, the relationship between the anatomical contacts the doctor is holding. Once this takes place, the brain immediately begins instructing the body to make all the infinite changes required to restore function.

  • Regardless of your complaint, the Neurological Integration system (NIS) will be addressing the very causes of your symptom pattern. We will be evaluating and addressing areas of physiological and neurophysiological function that you may not even know could possibly be related to your complaint. Some of these issues may have been present for a long time.

    It is important to understand that, even though physiological change will begin to take place from the moment you complete your first treatment, we do not always expect you to notice this improvement pattern prior to your follow-up visit with us.

    We do however want you to know that from your first visit, that NIS is addressing causal issues so that a long-term, sustainable result can be achieved. The changes that need to take place will often require time and patience. As you progress to ‘maintenance’ visits with us, you are more likely to experience results in a shorter time frame.

  • At each visit, the goal is to determine and address what aspects of your body function the brain is not fully controlling. The approach is very non-invasive, stress & pain-free.

    This makes an NIS treatment suitable for the newborn baby through to the very aged, and those who are very sick or injured. NIS is one of the safest methods of healthcare available.

  • This is all dependent on the nature of your complaint. In some cases you may feel a little tired. This is because the body will be a lot more relaxed. If you are treated for an infection, viral, bacterial, protozoan or fungal one can expect some fatigue for a few days as the body eliminates the infection from the system. It is important to ask at your visit what you may expect in the few days following.

  • Once you have completed your initial NIS treatments ongoing preventative care is important. Just like a car our bodies need to have a regular ‘tune-up’. As we go through our daily life there are always things that can potentially lead to one or more of our body systems being pushed to its maximum tolerance.

    Do you suffer from broken sleep ?Do you have digestion issues ?

    Do you have an irregular bowel ?

    Are you constantly tired or fatigued?

    You may think these things are normal for you. NO you should NOT have these complaints. If you answered yes to any of the above – you could be housing a subclinical infection.

    What does that mean? It means your immune system is compromised or pre-occupied. A compromised immune system has you sitting in the ‘danger zone’ where your chances of developing chronic disease or illness is accentuated. Caring for your health can prevent serious consequences. Using NIS we address the issues behind the symptoms that keep your system running ‘below par’. Keeping your immune response at its optimum will exempt you from becoming a candidate for more serious complaints.

    So don’t put off attending to your personal health, and wait until you are really unwell or in unbearable pain before you make an appointment.

  • Item The life of a red blood cell is 120 days, and it is to this cycle that we suggest having that ‘tune-up’. Red bloods cells perform the most important duty of travelling through your body delivering oxygen and removing waste. Your bones are continually producing new red blood cells. Aged red blood cells are removed by the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Your body is hard at work all the time.

    Our experience has shown that the body struggles to keep itself at its optimum longer than around 100-120 days – the average life cycle of a red blood cell. It is to this quarterly cycle that we suggest having that ‘maintenance’ check-up.

    This will take care of any small issues today – with a view to preventing larger issues developing in the future.

How can NIS help me?

Cellular signalling is BRAIN CONTROLLED. On this basis we have life! Any disruption to this process is a potential threat to all body systems and our wellbeing. NIS allows access to both investigate and correct these processes to achieve the best possible human function.

NIS treating causes at cell level, How?

To truly treat causes, you need to start with the building block of life – the human cell. Each part of the human body is made of cells. We have about 100 trillions cells, with more than 200 ‘types’ of cells in the human body.

Each cell has an important part to play, and just like parts of your car engine, no matter how insignificant on its own, it is a small part of an important process. And together each process is what makes the engine run. Imagine your brain is like the mechanic, constantly monitoring and ‘tweaking’ parts of the engine to ensure it continues to run smoothly. Your brain is continuously sending signals to each cell in your body, ‘tweaking’ its message to ensure the cell continues to do its job.

However, sometimes the signal from the brain doesn’t reach the intended cell. Without the correct information from the brain, the cell may no longer be able to do its job.

And just like your car, if one part of the engine is no longer able to do its job properly other parts are also affected.The car may still be running, but over time you will start to notice that it isn’t running as well as usual, as well as it should be.

The same is true for your body - if just one cell isn’t functioning, then one area of the body won’t be able to operate to optimum. You probably wont notice it at first, but eventually you will start to experience the symptoms that tell you something isn’t functioning to optimum level.

Symptoms become labels like: asthma, allergies, learning difficulties, chronic fatigue etc… the list is endless.

With NIS we use a treatment method to identify which signals are not getting through to particular parts of your physiology (body) and the cell. Our unique approach means we are able to get the signal restored, allowing the brain to once again go about its job of monitoring and ‘tweaking’ its message to each cell. Once the cell is again receiving the information, health will be restored. So just like your car, now that all parts of the engine are operating as they should the car runs smoothly!

ONLY by addressing your health at this depth will you be able to experience long term sustainable results!